10 things about me!

There's something that feels sort of vain writing about myself, but the thing is, I want my clients to know who I am! And personally speaking I love reading when people share little glimpses into their lives when they fill out little Facebook surveys, so here goes nothing!

1. I have an enthusiastic personality and I love to laugh at myself

The lines are starting to form on my face as a result of it, and though I try to remember the whole 'it means you've had a lot to smile about' motto, I haven't QUITE embraced that just yet ;) I'm an over user of exclamation points, and each week when my husband helps me edit my blog post, he's usually gone through and had to remove more than a handful of them.  

Birthday messages from a dear friend

Birthday messages from a dear friend

2. I'm not a coffee drinker

I wish I was! Mainly for the social aspect, I think, but I also find the smell to be incredibly intoxicating. Unfortunately it's just too bitter for me. I do drink black tea daily, though I'm finally starting to expand my horizons and try fun herbal flavors and I'm very much enjoying it. 


3. I've always been a morning person

I'm usually up by 6:15 each day whether it's during the week or the weekend. Today I woke up around 5:40. I so enjoy the first part of the day when it's still dark out, everyone else is still asleep and the house is completely quiet. By the time night falls I'm often asleep by 9:30ish. 


4. My girls are blessed to have five living grandmothers

Five! They are fortunate to still have my mother, my stepmom (you can read about her here) my mother in law, and my two grandmothers. 

My oldest daughter, Erin and my maternal grandmother

My oldest daughter, Erin and my maternal grandmother

5. My party trick is rapping Eminem's Lose Yourself

On more than one occasion, my husband has definitely said 'can we not rap tonight'?! I didn't pick this up because I'm some super cool chick who just *happened* to learn the song over time. More so because I challenged my teenage daughter to a rap battle and then had to dedicate an entire day memorizing the song so I could dominate her! I didn't win, but at least I ended up with a cool party trick. I'll spare you the photos of that one!


6. I eat pretty much the same exact thing every day

Well, at least 5-6 days a week anyway. Every morning I make an egg white omelette (I know the yolks are good for you, I just don't happen to be a fan) with spinach and fresh pico de gallo. Pico de gallo is seriously a food group for me, and each week after I pick up a new container at Wegmans, I take a bite of it and it's tastes like it's the first time I've ever had it. There will likely be a time when I'll tire of this breakfast, as I tend to go through food cycles like this, but I've been on this one for a little over two years and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon! 

By the way, my current alternate breakfast for when I'm out of pico: chocolate cherry oatmeal. 1/2 cup of oats cooked, 1/2tsp unsweetened cocoa, almond milk (amount to liking...I do about 1/4 cup), 1tsp pure maple syrup, TBL cacao nibs and 5 chopped frozen chopped cherries. They might sound time consuming, but each breakfast only takes about 3 minutes to prepare and they are both amazing!

7. I feel sincere gratitude for every aspect of my life

Though the earlier days of my life were not easy ones, as an adult I became to appreciate them for what they were and were they brought me. A few years ago my daughter gifted me a gratitude journal, and though I've always felt appreciative for all the blessings I'd been given, until that point I hadn't really felt that same appreciation for the tougher times. Though I don't write in it daily anymore, I do still write in it about once a week, and it helps me to appreciate both the big and little things. I also find that when I'm presented with a challenge, it helps me to keep it all in perspective. I try to let people know that I appreciate them and I enjoy sending notes to people (via email or handwritten) to let them know how thankful I am to have them in my life. 

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal

8. I love poignant words of wisdom

I appreciate when powerful beliefs are condensed into one simple statement. I have a chalkboard in my kitchen that I update with quotes (I'm not always great at rotating them, sometimes the same one will be up for months) that I feel inspired by, and with messages that I want my girls to take in. When I came across this one, I took a picture of it and sent it to my two little brothers as I loved the message it conveyed. 


9. If you ever need a plant killed, I'm the person for the job

Aside from my children and my dog, I'm physically incapable of keeping anything alive. I can't even grow basil, folks. BASIL. Isn't it supposed to be the easiest plant to grow?! I went through seven basil plants last summer. Every year I tell myself 'this is it, I'm going to figure this whole plant thing out', and every year every plant faces the same certain death. I've had the local nursery guys come out not once...but twice to help me understand how I manage to kill the plants I put in the ground. I've over watered, under watered (I'm really good at that one), I've watched Youtube videos (there is a proper way to trim basil in case you're wondering. Still hasn't helped), you name it, I have tried it! I currently have a rubber plant that I have kept alive for the last seven months. I absolutely love it, and the poor thing just doesn't know what's comin' for it. 

These were lovely! (While they lasted. ;) 

These were lovely! (While they lasted. ;) 

10. My maternity leave when I gave birth to both of my daughters was only 7 days 

I was a student during both of my pregnancies, and unfortunately timing wise, I wasn't able to stay home longer. When I delivered my oldest I was a senior in high school (a catholic high school at that, THAT went over well ;) and only had two months of school to finish before graduation. With my youngest, I had finally gotten into dental hygiene school (which I had been wait listed for four years) and started the program in September and delivered her in November. Unfortunately it's a program where clinical competence is necessary, so I either went right back to school after having her or would need to wait another year before continuing. Luckily she was born at the end of November, so I only had a few weeks of school before we had a full winter break and I could enjoy at least some time off with her. I completely envy mom's that have 6 or even 12 weeks off at home, though I know for them, just like it was for me, it never feels like it's enough time!


How about yourself? I'd love to learn more about YOU! Send me 10 things I don't know about you!