Sessions at Local Parks

A lot of subjects choose to have their session shot at a beach. Have you ever wondered why? Of course the beach has beautiful natural textures, with soft, flattering tones. But is that the only reason? Here in New England we are so fortunate to have so many state parks that we all enjoy exploring. But why is is that so many prefer a beach over a state park? Enter pine trees…

I like to use this example of a photo done at Roger Williams Park. It was a special location as the couple were married there, and it’s important to me that we schedule your session at a spot that holds special meaning for you when we can!

We started off in this location that had heavy pine trees behind us. It’s a nice picture and she looks amazing! But note the darkness of the heavy trees behind her. Do you note how heavy it makes the image feel?


Then we moved on to another spot within the same park. You’ll notice it’s free from the weight of the trees, and the image feels so much lighter as a result. Yes, she changed her dress, but the dress she was wearing before would have looked beautiful here as well! It’s just that before we were in an area with a dark, heavy background that made the image feel like a nice snapshot. But when we moved away from the weight of it all, the result was a much more professional, editorial image.


It’s a crazy difference, right?! It’s the same location, the same day, and the same subject. Now, this is absolutely, positively, not to say that we cannot produce beautiful images at local parks, I just want to help you choose a location that also offers some variety, such as clearings or even structures that can help to break up the weight of it all.

Courtney Wager